


Note:This story is based on writers fiction and imagination hope you love it

Knock knock  R you there? She yelled standing outside my house, the moon was bright enough and there was complete silence except the sound of the waves hitting the shore. The lights of my house were turned down. The night was turning darker, the sound of the wind had raised its voice, I know you are  there please open the door, she yells again .This time her voice was broken down from inside and her tears rolling  down her face,her cheeks turned red like tomatoes with fresh white milky skin. The clouds had formed and the rain drops were  hitting the ground.

The wave currents had raised its voice by hitting the shore, had the raindrops fallen down in grief.she with her printed top and a scarf around her neck with dark black jeans and a pair of white sneakers, which was slowly getting brown with the muddy patches all around.

It was easy for me to sense her beauty standing a few meters apart .I moved a few steps towards her and slowly call  her name.

There was no sign of a reply from her. I decided to move a few more steps towards her and give a tight hug from behind hoping she would find great relief .but still I found no sign of her response.

The moment had shaken me ,there seem to be something uneven happening around, the world had paused for a moment. I could see the raindrop still hanging in the air as if the complete life on earth had stopped around me. I could sense everything uneven around me. everything was getting complicated. I called her out in panic hoping she would turn around and everything settles down the next moment.

By this time her face had turned red with few water droplets over her face hiding her tears down, But destiny had different plans for me.though she turned around and gave  me a surprised look.

There was a blast of thunder and lighting this sound was more like a nuclear blast with the birth of heavy rainfall I felt like even sky is crying for someone "LOST LOVE!!!"

By this time even My tears started rolling down my eyes, there was a girl, who I loved so much and couldn't sense even my presence standing next to her.

My eyes very filled with tears and the raindrops were making me hard for a clear sight vision. I somehow managed to see a car with the headlights on and a guy rushing towards her, the focus light of the car and the heavy rain stopped my vision to identify the guy.

The guy just rushed near the house and stood in front of her placed her palm on her cheeks and wipes the warm tears and the raindrops which were covering her face and gives her a  hug she still with her broken voice trying to take my name.after a few second he replies saying everything will be alright and takes her back to the car.

I'm standing still confused watching everything around me. I have no clue what's going around. what has happened to me why my tears are unstoppable and my voice and screams are not heard by anyone.

The car ignition was on I pushed myself up ran towards the car to stop. thud I was on the ground. my foot had stepped something uneven the car had left but not my tears.

Today is definitely not my day, my clothes had turned brown my favorite distressed dark black shady jeans which she had gifted me on my last birthday had turned muddy and the white skinny fit shirt and my decent canvas which she had selected during shopping for her upcoming birthday had turned brown left with bloodstains around the shirt, the front part of the sole of my shoe on the right side was open there was a bloodstain on the shoes too.

I got up there was a wallet fallen. ooh this was the uneven thing down. this was dropped by the same guy who had come to take her, the wallet seems to be made of pure leather so it was facing hard to resist the rainwater

There was some bills and cards and cards where I couldn't check the name because the sky had turned much darker.

I moved in my house and found.......


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